Mrs OOPS Review: BioCair Non Toxic , Child-Safe Disinfectant Products, Designed to Meet Different Family's Needs!
As a mummy, hygiene has always been one of my biggest concerns. My children have this habit of putting anything and everything into their mouth. So as parents, we do what we can to keep things clean. But now that BabyOOPS had started on childcare, his exposure and risks to infectious viruses such as stomach flu, hand-foot-mouth disease (or HFMD for short), cough and flu has escalated. And with Covid-19 lingering around, disinfection becomes SUPER important.
In this post, I would be sharing a range of disinfectant products from BioCair which we had recently started to incorporate into our lifestyle and I can safely say that it will continue to be a product we will be continuing to use.
How I chance upon BioCair?
My first encounter with BioCair is due to my search for something that can help the children be guarded against HFMD. I bought two of those HFMD pocket sprays and used it on and off. After I finished the 2 bottles, I conveniently stopped using it and had that complacent "It won't happen to me" mentality.
Just like many parents out there, during the Covid-19 outbreak, I literally went on a disinfectant spray buying spree. In total, I purchased disinfectant sprays from 6 different brands, all indicating they are effective, high killing rate and safe. BioCair's pocket spray happened to be one of those sprays which I got from Kiddy Palace while buying other essentials. It ended up being my most frequently used spray.
Why we love BioCair?
So the first great thing about BioCair is....
1) High kill rate of 99.999% airborne and surface bacteria
When we buy a disinfectant, it's only for a sole purpose - TO KILL BACTERIA, FUNGI AND VIRUS. If not, then what's the point right? That's the beauty of BioCair's patented BC-65 solution. It basically does it's job of killing the viruses by penetrating through the virus's cell wall and eliminating them effectively. Many of the products out there goes by either 99.9% or 99.99%. 99.999% may not sound like a big difference at first glance. However, when we are looking at bacteria by millions (which is very common), a 99.9% versus a 99.999% kill rate would mean a remaining 1000 versus a 10 bacteria remaining. For many common illness, a simple count of just 10 to 100 cells would be good enough for us to fall sick. And we can easily pass these bacteria to another person if they are not eliminated. By using an effective kill rate disinfectant, we are significantly reducing the number of surviving virus or at least reduce it to the rate whereby transmission to another person is very low.
Long story short: It's important to find a high percentage rate. The more 9 behind, the better.
2) It does all of the above in under 60 seconds.
After my long description above, another beauty of BioCair's patented BC-65 solution is that it is being tested to be able to complete its task of 99.999% kill rate in less than 60 seconds. There are definitely more products out there which can meet the 99.999% kill rate. But food for thought, how long does it take?
3) It is adult and children safe.
Have you ever experienced that feeling whereby you walk into a super disinfected room and you find yourself having uncomfortable sensations such as stinging eyes, dizziness or even stomach discomfort? I did. In my attempt to disinfect my toilet, I used a disinfectant spray (I shall not name the brand but it comes with eucalyptus scent) and while it seemed to smell good, I felt those uncomfortable sensations while I close the toilet doors to brush my teeth 5 minutes later. I only realized the extent of this discomfort when Babyoops looked at me with red and watery eyes. It's horrible and I'm full of guilt from inflicting that on him~ It's probably worse for him since he does not have the vocabulary to verbalize his discomfort to me, It's such a helpless feeling!
With the BioCair's patented BC-65 solution being perfectly safe to ingest, it means there is zero chance of facing irritation to our ear, nose and throat system even if we were to be breathing in the mist produced by the BC-65 solution, which is exactly what I experienced. This also that means even if any of my kids were to drink the solution by accident, I can be guaranteed that they will be perfectly safe. Best thing is no turnover time required, after spraying, you may use the item immediately without a worry.
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Babyoops having some sensory play with the mist while we are disinfecting the bedroom. LOL. |
4) Fragrance free and pH neutral
Mr OOPS has a very sensitive nose so when he's in contact with fragrance of all sorts (we even tried good grade essential oils), he will just sneeze non stop and his eyes go reddish. So far with BioCair, we have no such issues and after a few weeks of using it, the initially-skeptical-Mr OOPS also started embracing it into our day to day usage.
5) Halal certified
When I see the certification, I'm like "Whaaaat? Halal certification for what?" But well, this is very important to show that the BC-65 solution is 100% alcohol free!!!
6) Manufactured and made in Singapore
Sorry but not sorry, I have seen and heard about a good number of effective disinfectant products that lacked quality control in the manufacturing stage and ended up losing its credibility. I cannot deny that I have trust in this product more than any others because this is a Singapore researched and Singapore manufactured product. It might not be the cheapest product available in the market but I have full trust in the results from their lab tests and their certifications.
7) Trustworthy certifications to kill alot of common bacterias and viruses:
The 99.999% kill rate of pathogens is tested on these common bacteria:
1) Staph virus - this particular virus leads to flu and for BabyOOPs case, he caught the staph virus when he was an infant and it led him to have prolonged jaundice.
2) Coli bacteria - the nasty bug that causes stomach flu. We never realised it was an airborne bacteria. Last month, my mother in law sniffed in the smell of Meimeioops poop and the next thing is she was perspiring cold sweat, legs turned jelly, had diarrhea and was unwell for the next 3 days. She was diagnosed to have caught the stomach flu just by sniffing it from close distance.
3) HFMD - When children get it, adult caregivers are also at a high risk of getting it and the symptoms in adults are more serious than children.
4) Candida Albicans - simply said, fungus infection. A very relatable example of fungus infection for parents with young kids is diaper rash. The skin get awfully red and painful for the kiddo. This is the bacteria causing it.
Read up more about their certification at BioCair site.
These are basically the pull factors that draws me to the product. But there are so many other things to love about this product and you need to experience it to truly understand it!
Different products to meet different needs
One good thing about BioCair is that they have a range of products to meet different needs.
1) For use in home and larger spaces (up to 65 sqm) - the Ultimate II Aerial Disinfection Machine
We are currently using the blue colour BC-65 Disinfectant air purifying solution. This machine generates powerful dry mist that diffuses into the air and kills any airborne or surface viruses that comes into contact with the mist. The dry mist does not condense with cold surfaces so I don't need to wipe down after opening it.
It looks pretty bulky but it's pretty light weight and easy to set up. We just need to open the cover, pour the disinfectant liquid and purified water in the ratio of 1:1 and on the machine at mist level 1. It is also light enough for me to shift it around to the different rooms which needed disinfection. It is recommended that we on the machine for 1 hour daily at the end of the day (with all doors and windows closed).
On days whereby we have guests or have someone sick at home, we on the machine more frequently. It can be rather impolite for us to take a disinfectant spray to spray our guests head to toe but disinfection is still necessary. So having the machine to do the disinfection is a non-invasive yet super efficient way.
We also use this machine with disinfection of the toys in our play room. To ensure that the mist reached the toys, we would lay out all the toys on the floor and on the machine for about 30 minutes. And Ta-da, all disinfection is done. On some days when we on the machine longer than usual, we can even smell the disinfected air to the extent we felt like we entered a clinic. LOL!!
2) For personal use - Pocket Hand Sprays
We can't carry a machine where ever we go but we can carry these handy pocket sized sprays. They can easily fit into our handbags and/or diaper bags.
This orange HFMD pocket spray is something that I must bring when the kiddos go to play areas such as indoor and outdoor playgrounds. It contains the same BC-65 Disinfectant air purifying solution with added components to target HFMD viruses. I will spray the kiddos head to toe before and after their play session. Babyoops loves it when I spray him because of the cooling sensation of water mist on him. And thanks to its non toxic nature, I don't have to worry about the liquid going into his eyes and mouth.
I also use these sprays on myself whenever I'm out. And I do spray more frequently when I visit places with high risks of infection such as hospitals, clinics, shopping centres and crowded places
3) For use in cars and any other automobile - Ultimate Automobile Disinfectant Machine
For those who drive, the good news is there is a smaller machine for cars! This portable machine is about the size of my full palm. It is USB operated so we can just plug it into the car and not worry about batteries.
Filling up the machine is super simple. The blue colour BC-65 Disinfectant air purifying solution comes in small packs all mixed in the right ratio. We just need to pour it into the machine, wait for about 2 mins so that the diffuser stick inside can soak up the liquid and it's ready for use.We would on the machine whenever we are back in the car and being exposed to viruses. One pack of the solution could last up to 10 hours worth of dry mist. In Singapore, 1 typical car journey usually about 5mins to a max of 30 minutes? After 1 month of use, we are only still at our second pack.
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Can clearly see the amount of dry mist that gets emitted once the machine is on. |
We place it in the centre of the car, in between the 2 front seats so that the disinfecting dry mist would be able to reach all areas of the car effectively.
Highly recommending this brand... and for good reasons
Honestly, do I think BioCair a fool-proof 100% cure? Nah. None of the products in the market now is foolproof. Even for HFMD, if an infectious child were to sneeze and their mucus landed inside another's child's mouth for whatever reasons, the other child might still get it. But we can definitely do our part as parents to reduce the possibility of bacteria infection on our kids.
BioCair's range of products is definitely one of the highly effective product for prevention of infectious airborne bacteria and virus that I know of and with a valid trusted local source and manufacturer. This brand is also endorsed and used in many big companies in the medical and hospitality industry.
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Screengrab of the video uploaded by Fullerton Hotel, featuring their use of BioCair's machine in the disinfection of their hotel rooms. Watch the full video here on Fullerton's Hotel facebook page. |
Last point to add on, am I asking you to throw away all the other disinfectant products that you already purchased?
Of course not, that would be a total waste of money. Just be more careful in your usage of the products, especially when it's for children.
If you are also keen to experience an improved living environment and lifestyle with BioCair's range of disinfectant products, you can hop on over to to understand their technology and browse through their available products and use this promo code 'JESSIE' to get a free gift upon purchase of any items. They also provide subscription plans so we could have the packs delivered to our doorstep on a regular basis.
I'm still finding more ways to use the Biocair products more effectively in my day to day life. So do follow me on instagram (@mrandmrsoops) and join me in the quest to finding more ways to keep ourselves and our babies healthy and free from germs!
With love,
Note: All photos are credited to Mr and Mrs OOPS unless otherwise stated. Follow @mrandmrsoops on Instagram for more photo works and updates. This is a sponsored product post which documents my reviews and feedback about BioCair's disinfectant products. For more information at BioCair or follow them at @biocairsg .
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