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This love and passion for travelling has since opened up many opportunities to see the world together and learning to appreciate what we have on a day-to-day basis. This hobby is an expensive one because travelling requires us to take time off from work and also spend money during travel. So we crack our brains every time to look out for good travel deals!
Besides travelling, we had this avid interest in photography and videography. We do hope you also love the moments we captured during our exciting adventures! The equipment which we used to capture our travelling moments are :
- Canon DSLR EOS 70D(W)
- GoPro Hero
- DJI Mavic Pro drone
We were constantly on the lookout for ways to maximise our spendings such that it helps us to accumulate miles or hotel reward points so we could redeem free flights or stays. At the same time, we are participating actively on any travel related contests which are relevant to our interests!
In 2018, we welcome our first bundle of joy, BabyOOPS and in 2020, we welcome our second bundle of joy, MeiMeiOOPS. Being parents of 2 young children is sometimes very overwhelming, mentally and physically. We want to continue to use this platform to document our family's growth and to also share great ideas, deals and reflections with our readers.
If you share the same passion as us, do follow us on Instagram or Facebook or Subscribe to our blog!
Cheers to our sweet and simple love,Mr and Mrs OOPS.
Read about our reflections for the year:
Welcoming 2017
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